Reyna Hernandez
As you walk down the hall your eyes wonder to look at all of the bright colors that fill the Foreign language hallway. From Piñatas to traditional chinese decorations the hallways is filled with the work of many students.
Why do you think kids should join your language club?
Andres Valencia, Spanish Teacher: Although everyone is welcome to join the club and participate, I think that it is very important for students in the Foreign Language courses to join our clubs as it will provide students with cultural experiences that will add to what they are already learning in the course.
Shane LeFaure, French Teacher: Any student who is interested in the French language and culture should sign up. They would get a unique experience.
Chunmei Guan, Chinese Teacher: This is an extracurricular club for engaging those students who are interested in Chinese language and culture. If they join the Chinese Club, they would be able to participate in field trips and club events like the Lunar New Year celebration, Multicultural Festival, Moon Festival, Chopsticks Competition and the Chicago Chinatown Field Trip along with finding more opportunities to enrich their exploration of Chinese culture.
What sort of things/activities do you do in your club?
Valencia: Although everyone is welcome to join the club and participate, I think that it is very important for students in the Foreign Language courses to join our clubs as it will provide students with cultural experiences that will add to what they are already learning in the course.
LeFaure: We do Homecoming, la Toussaint, L’action de grâce, Noël, L’Épiphanie, Mardi Gras, Carnaval, Pâque and the Multicultural festival.
Guan: Cooking, playing games, watching movies, attending field trips and the Homecoming Parade.
How long has your club been active at the LHS?
Valencia: I am not sure how many years the club has been around, but I suppose it could have started when the first Spanish teacher was hired by the school.
LeFaure: Since 1917, I believe.
Guan: Since 2012.
What is your personal opinion on the club?
Valencia: The club is a great opportunity for all students to experience the Spanish language and culture, however, I believe it is most beneficial for students who are taking Spanish classes as they will be able to connect and apply what they are learning in class.
LeFaure: The club acts as a fun way to promote, enjoy and learn about the French culture and language. It is also a way to celebrate and enjoy the common practices and beliefs of the French people.
Guan: The Chinese Club is very successful in engaging students and helping the study of Chinese language and culture.