Throughout the state, a plethora of awards are available for teachers and administrators to receive. Principal Matt Jones was awarded the IFLTA’s Walter Bartz Distinguished World Language Administrator Award and Chinese teacher Chunmei Guan was awarded four language awards. She was awarded the Indiana Chinese Teacher of the Year, Secondary Teacher of the Year, and IFLTA Teacher of the Year as well as a globe for her stepping down as the past president of the IFLTA.
“To be honest, I was shocked and thrilled for being awarded because it was very competitive, and there are so many competent foreign language teachers in Indiana,” Guan said. “I was given four awards in total, which was a big surprise.”

Guan is set to go to Kansas City, Missouri to compete for The Regional Teacher of the Year Award in 2025.
“That recognition is really a testament to the incredible commitment of our world language staff at Logansport High School,” Jones said. “The world language team does all the heavy lifting for our students and the program. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by talented, dynamic, intelligent, dedicated and caring educators. Superintendent Mrs. Starkey and the School Board of Trustees have greatly supported and enabled our program to expand and thrive.”
Chunmei Guan • Dec 15, 2023 at 8:54 am
Thank you sooo much for writing this article and appreciate that very much. This is awesome!