Most things when done in moderation are healthy habits. When it comes to smoking and vaping though, it’s hard for most to use it a “healthy” amount or moderately. Nicotine is highly addictive, and due to the teen vaping craze, it’s especially important for teenagers to know that if they do become addicted, there’s always a way to take their life back.
With taking control of any other major problem in one’s life, the first step is always to admit that you have a problem. You must determine this by asking yourself how vaping has affected various aspects of your life. Some of these can include: Is vaping affecting my health? Controlling my life? Affecting my relationships with loved ones?
If so, it’s in your best interests to quit. This seems like a massive feat, and it is. But, it’s not impossible. It all starts with commitment and a complete focus on overcoming this obstacle to a healthier life.
First, it’s important to remember that in order to quit vaping, it’s also best to quit any other kind of tobacco consumption, like cigarettes. Going cold turkey is absolutely the hardest, but the most effective method of overcoming any addiction. But, you can’t just decide one day to stop. You first have to make a plan.
Planning a quit date in advance is highly recommended so that you can prepare mentally for this big change. Make this date only one to two weeks away so that you’re not giving yourself too much time to change your mind. Also, make it a day that’s uneventful or void of stress so the only thing you have to worry about is making this commitment.

In the time you’re taking to prepare for your quit day, you have to address what you can expect once you do quit, which can include cravings, withdrawal, and temptation. To avoid giving in to these things as much as possible, you have to be able to identify your triggers. Anything you surround yourself with could potentially trigger you to vape, so identifying th0se people, places and situations early can help you be as prepared as possible to stick to your goals when the time comes.
It also always helps to imagine how much better your life and outlook on it will be without being addicted to vaping. It will give you the confidence you need to continue and will start the healthy habit of keeping a positive attitude without the help of drugs.
Support, however, is absolutely the most crucial resource you’ll need during this time. Family and friends are supposed to support you in any of your endeavors, so support that is unfaltering from them throughout this entire process is much needed.
From the perspective of your supporters, though, they might not know what exactly you’ll need to feel supported. This is why communication on both sides needs to happen, where others ask you what exactly you need from them, and you tell them what it is you want them to do.
If you can’t be specific about the type of support you want to receive from loved ones, the UT Southwestern Medical Center has tips that can help them understand how to help from an onlooker standpoint. It’s first important for the addicted to know you’re coming from a place of care when discussing this topic. Remaining calm and non-confrontational is the best way to do this, and asking questions about how this addiction came about and what triggers this further is important to ask.
You also have to be extremely patient. Addiction is a dangerous thing that only those who’ve been addicted will understand, so being empathetic and supportive through the struggle of the person overcoming said addiction is key.
There’s also always the option of referring the addicted to seek professional help. 1-800-QUIT-NOW and 1-877-44U-QUIT are both hotlines you can use to speak to a tobacco cessation counselor, and if you’d rather chat online, there’s also the National Cancer Institute’s LiveHelp service.
There are countless other options for professional help out there, and because of the raging epidemic of vaping, especially among young and impressionable teens, it’s pivotal that we as a society highlight the dangers of vaping as well as how to get help. The earlier teens get access to help and support, the sooner they will realize that there are healthy outlets for feeling happy, and the sooner society can become happier and healthier as a whole.