If a visitor or newcomer needs help to find an item in Walmart, people know where they are, but now people in this small town are now confused by the sudden drop of a new Walmart on the inside and outside. On the outside, there are new roads, new signs with bright paint, and a new car gas station on the side of the store. On the inside new aisles, technology ads, and bigger checkouts appear. New things are coming into Logansport, and how can we help townspeople with this big thing? By making a map.

The old Walmart was, in people’s eyes very small. Almost so small that it became written in the back of their mind. The new one that came into this small community was a surprise. No one really expected this change.
No one expects one of the big stores here to change, but somehow for the better. The old version had small spaces giving it claustrophobia

to some. But most isles are now bigger for more customers to walk in and shop.
In the Walmart, they added the doctor’s desk from the back next to the bath and body care; they added it to the front next to the help center. They also added the bath and body care aisles to the front as well. Giving it more of a clean and educated look. This gives the best face of the better version of this store.

The new Walmart is in fact bigger, even if they didn’t add any room. They change the clothing aisle bigger by adding more models and clothing choices. In the store, the added mannequins and technology ads of models sporting the new clothing choices.