News Briefs: Multicultural Festival Prepping with the Chinese Club
The event will be on April 23, and the tickets cost $1.

The Multicultural Festival is open to all staff and students and is set to be on April 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be hosted by the Chinese Club. The festival is for all students to represent their cultures and to share them with everyone who attends. It is a great learning opportunity not only for LCSC but for the entire Logansport community.
“This Multicultural Festival will be a great educational opportunity for students and staff to get to know different cultures, increase multicultural acceptance, and global awareness, seek social justice, and equity inclusion for the diverse cultural elements in the Logansport community. It will make the immigrants feel supported, welcomed, and respected, and their children will be proud of their identity,” Chinese teacher Yi-Chun Lin said.
The entree fee is $1, and each student is expected to decorate their booth according to what country they were given. There will also be a fashion/pageant show, parade, and different booths where families can buy all sorts of food and items. It is a fun event that all families should consider attending.
“We will have the pageant show like a Homecoming event,” “Chinese teacher Chunmei Guan said, “The attendees can vote for the Miss and/or Mr. Multicultural Festival with their own tickets. The top three winners will earn gift cards as a prize. We will sell t-shirts and some cultural art crafts as well and parents will cook and sell their food along with other stuff. The hosts will speak English, Spanish, and Chinese as well as the countries being trilingual. Basically, this is a big party and we will have lots of fun celebrating the different cultures we have at our school.”
Nuevas Leyes de Indiana
An English translation of this article is available as “New Indiana Laws.”

Nuevas leyes que se aprobaron en el estado de Indiana y se convirtieron en ley durante la última Asamblea General de Indiana fueron: un recorte de impuestos, portar armas sin permiso (las personas ya no necesitan un permiso para portar un arma), banda atlética transgénero (el gobernador vetó / impidió que esto se convirtiera en ley). Aunque la Asamblea General podría anularlo).
Un Estudiante de Logansport High opina sobre la decisión de la banda atlética transgénero
“No tengo ningún problema con que alguien sea transgénero. Estoy de acuerdo en que deberíamos dejar que las personas elijan cómo vivir sus propias vidas. Estos son niños. Un número minúsculo de ellos competirá a nivel profesional u olímpico. La mayoría son demasiado jóvenes para ser explorados. Todos ellos necesitan desarrollar hábitos saludables y hacer ejercicio regularmente. Todos ellos merecen beneficiarse de la colaboración y competición que caracteriza a los deportes de equipo. Todos ellos pueden beneficiarse al establecer metas individuales y lograr lo mejor de sí mismos,” dijo la estudiante de segundo año María del Sol López Padilla.
Cada persona debe ser respetada porque todos tienen derecho a decidir.
“Cada persona debe tener sus derechos respetados porque en mi opinión me parece injusto y considero que se están vulnerando sus derechos como seres humanos al no dejarlos ser parte de un equipo deportivo solo por ser transgénero. Las niñas trans merecen un trato justo como todas las niñas y merecen la oportunidad de cumplir sus sueños.” dijo Sol.
La maestra de LHS piensa que cada quien decide elegir lo que le haga feliz.
“En mi opinión sobre el permiso de armas es que con todas las locuras que suceden en todo el mundo, sí, estoy de acuerdo en que deberíamos llevar armas, especialmente en una situación de defensa propia, pero por otro lado, “No”, porque últimamente ha habido muchos tiroteos. Gente inocente siendo asesinada por gente que usa armas por el gusto de hacerlo. Pero creo que todos tienen derecho a hacer lo que les hace felices por sí mismos,”dijo Araceli Godinez Asistente de Instrucción Logansport High School.
New Indiana Laws
A Spanish translation of this article is available as “Nuevas Leyes de Indiana.”

New laws that passed in the state of Indiana and were signed into law during the last Indiana General Assembly were a tax cut, carrying guns without a permit (people no longer need a permit to carry a gun), a transgender athletic band (Governor Eric Holcomb vetoed/blocked this from becoming law. Although, the General Assembly could still override it like the Utah State Legislature recently did).
A Logansport High Student weighs in on the transgender athletic band’s decision
“I have no problem with someone being transgender. I agree that we should let people choose how to live their own lives. These are children. A minuscule number of them will compete at the professional or Olympic level. Most are too young to be explored. They all need to develop healthy habits and exercise regularly. They all deserve to benefit from the collaboration and competition that characterize team sports. All of them can benefit from setting individual goals and achieving the best of themselves,” sophomore María del Sol López Padilla said.
Each person must be respected because everyone has the right to decide.
“Each person should have their rights respected because, in my opinion, it seems unfair, and I consider that their rights as human beings are being violated by not letting them be part of an athletic team just because they are transgender. Trans girls deserve fair treatment just like all girls and deserve the opportunity to fulfill their dreams,” Sol said.
An LHS teacher also thinks that everyone should be able to choose what makes them happy.
“My take on the gun permit is that with all the craziness going on around the world, yes, I agree that we should carry guns, especially in a self-defense situation. But, on the other hand, no, because lately there’s been a lot of shootings. Innocent people are being killed by people who use guns for the fun of it. But, I think everyone has the right to do what makes them happy for themselves,” Araceli Godinez, Logansport High School Instructional Assistant, said.
Commencement Speeches

As Commencement speeches are approaching, students are given the opportunity to give a farewell speech to their fellow graduates and family. They will be on April 20, and a rough draft is due to Jessica Kranz, English teacher, on April 15. Kranz explains how to approach writing the speech.
“Think of those experiences that are really near and dear. They do not have to be tear-inducing. They can be funny. They don’t all have to be serious. They don’t all have to speak to every single person in the class but find a relatability. Find a common ground for your classmates, so when you have the platform, you can use it as a voice. Use the opportunity to speak to every single person in the room,” Kranz said.
Seniors are the only ones who are eligible to speak at graduation. Senior Mitchell Albright is one of several that plan on trying out.
“I feel confident talking to people, and I’ve always wanted to talk publicly. I’ve always been too nervous to, but now that I am a senior, I do not want to regret not trying,” Albright said.
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