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Q&A With Foreign Language Clubs: The Different Cultures at LHS

The foreign language program at LHS is prominent and continues to grow with new added classes and clubs
The language teachers at LHS striking a pose for a photo.
The language teachers at LHS striking a pose for a photo.
Dayra Rostro-Ramirez
Shane LeFaure, the advisor of the French Club, holds the book while explaining the homework. French 1 students are taught the basics of where French is spoken around the world. 
(Dayra Rostro-Ramirez)

Why do you teach a foreign language?

Shane LeFaure, French Club advisor: It’s my passion. I love linguistics. I also like the science behind the language, but I love the culture as well.

Yi-Chun Lin, Chinese Club advisor: When I came to the United States to study at Indiana State University, I was supposed to go back to town to start teaching English. However, I had an opportunity to teach one year of Chinese at the university with those students. 

Andres Valencia, Spanish Club advisor: I’m a native Spanish speaker, but I found this job opportunity, and I’ve fallen in love with it. I originally studied music education, but then I found a job teaching Spanish.

Why did you choose to start a language club?

Chinese 3 students learn about different rooms and locations in a house in Mandarin. As shown on the projector, Yi-Chun Lin, one of the Chinese Club advisors, is helping out the students with their homework.
(Dayra Rostro-Ramirez)

LeFaure: I wanted to start having people come back and learn more about the language and the French culture.

Lin: I started the Chinese Club because in the beginning, I heard about all the clubs, but the original idea was to expose students more to the Chinese/Asian culture.

Valencia: The language club was already established here at Logansport High School. The previous department head, Mrs. Christina, asked me to take over. That’s why I’ve been the sponsor.

What kind of activities does the club do?

LeFaure: Homecoming parade, also celebrating La Toussaint. You get to try La Galette des rois.

Lin: Lunar New Year events with club events bring everybody together and show the rest of the community the different cultures. 

Valencia: We do the eighth-grade orientation and volunteer for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot with the Spanish Club. The Spanish Club is also getting ready for Hispanic Heritage Month.

Teaching his class, Spanish Club advisor Andres Valencia talks about the many accents marks and special characters in Spanish. This sets the foundation that’s needed to further their knowledge of Spanish. (Dayra Rostro-Ramirez)

Are there any up-and-coming field trips for that club?

LeFaure: Indy Global Fest, Indy International Fair, Art Institution of Chicago, and the Multicultural Fest. 

Lin: In September, we are going to the Global Fest, while in October we are going to Chicago Chinatown. I’m not sure about the International Festival. It’s still a to-be-announced thing.

Valencia: We have Global Fest in September and are also getting ready for Homecoming. The Homecoming event includes a big pizza party, and we will be working on the float for the parade.

Why should people join these language clubs? 

LeFaure: People should join if they are interested in French culture or the French language and also diversity. It’s a great place for diversity.

Lin: We don’t have native speakers. We all come from different backgrounds, and we all come with some knowledge or zero knowledge of Chinese or Asian culture. Hopefully, by joining the club, you can pass the culture to the next generation, and then that generation can spread it to more people.

Valencia: If you are a native Spanish speaker, you should come hang out so that you practice your Spanish. If you are not a Spanish speaker, especially if you are in a Spanish class, you need to join our club. You are going to have lots of opportunities to practice speaking Spanish, and you are going to eat food at some point from a Hispanic country. 

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