As Homecoming is on its way students start to prepare. Multiple activities have been added, from a powderpuff game to a dance. The Homecoming dance will take place in the cafeteria from 7 to 10 p.m. on Sept. 30. Tickets are $10 per person.
“You can buy tickets in the mornings from 8:05 a.m. to 8:35 a.m,” Achieve Center Director Abby Lundy said. “I am set up at a table right when you walk into the school. They will be sold till Friday, the day before the dance.”

Being the first dance that many people have gone to, most people don’t know what to expect or prepare for, from dress shopping or finding a suit, finding a date or friends to go with, taking pictures, and choosing if they want to stop and get food first.
“I have been looking at dresses since August,” sophomore Maeda Bradbury said. “I knew what dress I wanted, and from there, I got my outfit along with everything for my hair and makeup.”
Finding the right outfit can be a difficult task, from finding the perfect dress and a matching outfit for your date. There are many styles of dresses, from flowy to slim, and a variety of colors. The court will wear a formal dress for the court and a semi-formal dress for the dance.
“I actually have a cross county meet the same day as the dance and a wedding,” junior Emma Brown said. “I can’t miss out on our first HOCO dance, so I am going to make it work. I have been practicing hairstyles that look good with my dress.”
Pictures are a way to keep memories, people do this in a variety of ways from just taking pictures on their phones, having their parents take them on a camera, or even hiring a photographer.
“The group that I am going with plans on going around town and taking pictures,” said sophomore Shelby Ping. “We’re just going to all take pictures of each other all dressed up.”
Finding a date for Homecoming sometimes is just a text or just agreeing to go with a group of friends. However, something that is popular is homecoming proposals. They typically consist of a poster and a small gift. After getting asked it’s time to start preparing and getting plans set in place for the night.
“I am going with a date rather than going with a bunch of people,” sophomore Olivia Gibson said. “We plan on going out to eat at Applebee’s before the dance.”
The dance is for Logansport students only. This has caused some students not to go.
“With our student population, we have over 1,200 students, so if every student just at Logansport High School would go, that is a lot of students in the cafeteria,” Lundy said. “You also have to get a waiver from school that you will be going to with your date. That puts a little more on the administration of other schools, so this year being the first year we would just go with Logansport students.”