For senior Camila Flores, a Morman, and freshman Ethan Diaz-Antonio, a Christian, religion is an important part of your life.
What do you think of the other religions of the world?
Flores: I think that everyone has their own morals and values. They can believe in anything they want, and it shouldn’t bother anyone else.
Diaz-Antonio: Most follow the rule of having one God. I’d say they’re all equal but have some different rules. They all want peace.
What do you think of your faith, and do you have a strong connection with God?
Flores: I love my faith. I don’t practice it all of the time like my mom did when she was younger, but I still have those beliefs. Even though I don’t practice it, I think that I have my own strong connection with Him. When I need Him, I know He’s there and will guide me.

Diaz-Antonio: I’m still learning about it every day. I know a lot of people who go to church and practice every day, but I don’t do that. I want to start learning more about my religion because it interests me so much, and I still have a lot to learn. I wouldn’t say strong, but I’m working on trying to make it stronger.
How do you feel about your religion?
Diaz-Antonio: It can be strict sometimes, but I would rather live my life strict, so I can live freely in Heaven for eternity. I love it.
Describe the Christian religion:
Diaz-Antonio: Fun at times, strict at times, a small but also big thing to add into your life, improves yourself.
What does the Christian Religion follow and who does it follow the teachings of?
Diaz-Antonio: The Christian religion tells you to love everyone, including people who hate you. The religion follows the teachings of Jesus/God.
What does the Mormon religion follow and believe?
Flores: The Mormon religion has similar aspects to Christianity. We believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We follow different norms and commandments. We believe in the Bible and the Book of Mormon along with prophets and apostles.