A secretary truly can make or break a day or a moment. The high school office is ran by secretaries Raquel Perez Coto, Riley Schlosser and Selena Macias. They are busy daily with phone calls and work for their respective boss. They work around the clock when students are in school and over the summer. These are some of the first people in the building and the last out are them.
Overall, there’s a lot more to the office job than what meets the eye. Take a look into the various duties of these three women.
What is your occupation?
I am the Assistant Principals’ Secretary.
What is your favorite part of being in the office?
I love the family-like dynamic we have here in the office, coming to work every day doesn’t feel like a chore. I truly enjoy coming in every single day.
What is the hardest part of being in the office?
It gets really busy in the main office and can sometimes be difficult to keep up and balance everything at once.
Are there any negatives of being in the office?
Some days are more stressful than others, but overall there aren’t very many negatives of being here.
What is something someone would need to know before entering the office?
As soon as you step foot in the doors here in the main office, you are representing your school. We usually have visitors or parents here and it is important to be respectful and polite. We also enjoy interacting and talking with our students, so please don’t hesitate to talk to us.
What is your occupation?
I am the Receptionist.
What is your favorite part of being in the office?
I like greeting the students, interacting with them, and getting to know them. I have met so many great kids. And as well as working with my office team. We all get along so well and work great together. I truly feel blessed with the team I have here.
What is the hardest part of being in the office?
The hardest part for me over these three years working in the main office is when the students graduate. For me, some of these kids have become like family and as much as I root for them and push them to graduate and get out of here, it is sometimes sad knowing that I won’t see them every day and won’t be able to talk to them like I’m used to. But of course, I am happy for each one of them and continue cheering them on from wherever they are.
Are there any negatives of being in the office?
I don’t think it’s much of a negative but sometimes I feel like people don’t truly know what us secretaries actually do or what our job really consists of. Some think that all we do is just sit at our desks but we really do a lot and there are days that are busier than others and we do go home tired.
What is something someone would need to know before entering the office?
Remember there are three of us here. You might not see Miss Schlosser but I promise you, she’s there. Don’t ever be scared to come into our office. Just remember to come in with a positive attitude, always have manners, and be respectful to us and others here. We are generously nice people and we are always here to help but please speak up. We can’t hesitate this enough. If you come in, sometimes we are busy either on the computer or phone so don’t think we are ignoring you, we are just focused.
What is your occupation?
I’m the Principal’s Secretary.

What is your favorite part of being in the office?
My favorite part of being in the office is socializing and helping with our staff, students, and visitors. We have an excellent team in the office that makes the day go smoother by always team-playing with any necessary help. I love working with my second family, and even though we have difficult moments, we manage to make it fun.
What is the hardest part of being in the office?
The hardest part of being in the office is trying to overcome so many obstacles on top of our duties throughout the day. We try to give advice and support for our student’s success in life and what comes ahead of them even after graduation. It’s hard when we don’t have one-on-one conversations and make a connection with the students to push them on the right path with the importance of graduating.
Are there any negatives of being in the office?
I would say there is nothing negative to being in the office as long as we know how to manage stress, know how to be team players, and most importantly communicate, and thankfully we have all the above. Occasionally it is stressful and even though there are three of us, we each have our own duties and roles that only we can control and have such a little amount of time to complete certain tasks depending on the circumstances that day. Most people don’t realize that.
What is something someone would need to know before entering the office?
Before entering the office know that we are always there to help. We ask for you to speak up, be polite, and be respectful. We are a friendly team of three and if one of us is busy always remember that there are two others in the office that you can approach in a polite way by speaking up to get our attention due to our job mostly involves working behind the screens. We may be focused on our duties by being on the phone, helping a visitor, answering emails, or doing a report. All we ask is to have manners.