How long have you been playing volleyball?
Freshman Khloe Wells: Since fourth grade.
Freshman Lily Clem: Since sixth grade.
Freshman Emma Rogers: I’ve been playing since fifth grade, so four years, I think.
Are you on the JV, varsity, or freshmen team?
Wells: On varsity.
Clem: On JV.

Rogers: Well, I’m on freshmen, but I’m trying to get up to JV because I really want to play for them.
What is your role on the team?
Wells: I am a middle hitter, which is pretty good.
Clem: Hitter, but they switch it up a lot. I’ve always been outside, but they switched me to the middle. It’s whatever they think I’m best suited for.
Rogers: I’m a middle hitter, and I can play right side as well.
What are some skills required to play volleyball?
Wells: You need a good mental attitude, and obviously, you need to know how to hit a ball, where to place it, and be strategic.

Clem: Communication and teamwork.
Rogers: We have to have a good reaction time. You have to not be afraid to hit the floor because we do that a lot, and you have to be pretty athletic because we’re always running, always doing lots of physical stuff.
Is volleyball the hardest sport to play?
Wells: No, but it depends on your position. I think it’s just a mental game, like 90% mental and 10% skill, because if you’re not in the game, you don’t really do good.
Clem: No, I think cross country is, mentally. I mean, I’ve never done it, but I think it would be. It depends on what you’re basing it off of. Like conditioning, basketball would be way harder, but mentally, that kind of depends on the people on your team and how they handle situations.
Rogers: I don’t think it’s the hardest. It’s one of the hardest, but not the hardest.
What are your thoughts on the other freshmen that play?
Wells: They’re good. I think they definitely have a bunch of potential. That’s for sure. They have good attitudes, too, so that’s good.

Clem: I see potential. I mean, there’s already a couple of us on JV. There’s just not enough spots for everybody to be on JV. They’re good, but there are still sophomores.
Rogers: They’re good. They’re fun. We’ve been playing together for a long time. So, I feel like we all know each other, and we all know each other’s vibe, playing style. I think we all have some respect for each other as players, so I think we’ll be good when we get up to the varsity level because we’ve all played for a long time. I feel like they have a lot of potential. Lily Clem has a lot of potential. Maya has a lot of potential, and obviously, Khloe Wells has a ton of potential because she’s already on varsity. I feel like all of our people have a lot of potential, and we’re gonna make a really good team when we’re older.
Who do you look up to on the team and why?
Wells: I think Adrienne Scott, Teagan Wolf, Emilia Rozzi, and Gracee Baer. They are really good at their game. They’re very respectful and nice. They make me feel welcome.
Clem: Evie Kitchel because she’s always supportive of everybody, and I think she helps us to try and get along.
Rogers: Emilia Rozzi, I look up to her because she always seems to have a smile on her face, and she’s always having a good time. Maddie Anderson because she really reminds me of myself, always works hard and has a good attitude.