Q&A With Emily Graham: Free Clothes For All

Audrey Graham

The shelves of Felix’s Closet overflow with clothes of all sizes.

What is Felix’s Closet?

Felix’s Closet is a room at Logansport High School where people can donate gently-used items that will be of use to someone else who can then acquire them for free.

What is the main goal of Felix’s Closet?

Making sure there’s a constant supply of clothes, shoes, coats, and other household things for students and their families to use as needed. This can especially be helpful for newcomer families who are brand new to the U.S. since everything is free.

When and how did Felix’s Closet start?

It began about ten years ago when there was a fire at a group of apartments on Broadway. I sent an email out detailing whose belongings were missing, asking if anyone had specific sizes for the kids. A bunch of donations started pouring in, and with Elisa Banuelos, we asked permission to house all of the things in an empty classroom, which grew from there.

Who is allowed to use Felix’s Closet?

It is open to everyone.

Who has helped you the most along the way?

I’m not even the main person anymore. It’s really become Elisa Banuelos, Fatima Franco, Araceli Godinez, and Diversity Club as well as other student volunteers who have taken over the day-to-day operation of it. There are also a lot of other people who help, such as the secretaries who greet people who come in with donations as well as the custodians who carry and transport the stuff from the offices of the Career Center and high school to get it moved upstairs. Different volunteers over the years have gone in to organize the clothes and clean up since some people don’t always put things back the way they were, so it needs a lot of attention throughout any given day.

Felix’s Closet organizers Araceli Godinez, Elisa Banuelos, and Emily Graham pose for a picture together. (Audrey Graham)

Are there any plans to change or grow Felix’s Closet in the future?

There are no plans to grow it. We are still able to fit into one classroom as the items come and go. However, we are always trying to think of ways to let more families know that this resource is available to them. In addition to newcomers, this resource is available to any and all LCSC families.

How can people get access to Felix’s Closet?

If anyone wants to use it, all you have to do is get a hold of me or Elisa Banuelos, and we can get the room unlocked for you at any time.

Any final remarks?

I am grateful for the many staff members and students who keep this service going.  It has been beneficial for many of our LCSC families, and without all the people who donate items as well as those who move them and organize the stuff, it would not be possible.