‘Fighting the Big C’ Event Raises Money to Help Local Cancer Care Center

Courtesy of Chunmei Guan

Posing for a picture, members of the Logansport Savings Bank Junior Board helped host the Fighting the Big C charity event. The board has members from different schools in the county like Pioneer, Lewis Cass and Caston.

According to ACS Journals, it is estimated that there will be 1,958, 310 new cancer cases discovered in the United States alone during the 2023 year. 

Due to seeing such an impactful disease firsthand, senior Luna Tafolla decided she wanted to create an event to help such a cause. 

“I decided to create this charity event because I always desired to participate in significant events like Dance Marathon that were fundraisers for the Riley Children’s Hospital,” Tafolla said. “However, the event only occurs in larger cities far from Logansport. After interning at the Logansport Memorial Hospital’s Cancer Care Center, I was motivated and inspired to create an event that would aid the patients in the Cancer Care Center.”

After getting the idea to create such a fundraiser, Tafolla got the Logansport Savings Bank Junior Board involved.

“I thought it would be a good opportunity for the Logansport Savings Bank Junior Board to learn how to organize such an event while giving back to the community,” Tafolla said. “I believe it’s important for LHS students to be involved in charity events like the Fighting the Big C event because events like these not only benefit the community, but they also get to learn how to plan, organize, and promote large community events.” 

Taken place on Apr. 8, 2023, Fighting the Big C put on live performances, the LHS swing choir, music, and more. 

“The event had motivational speakers such as Joyce Eshelman who is the Board Director of the Logansport Savings Bank and is a cancer survivor,” Tafolla said. “Students first handed learned the impact terminal illnesses have on members of our community and people across the world, and how we can make an impact simply by aiding in charity events like these.”

Another member of the Logansport Savings Bank Junior Board, junior Esther Bien-Aime, explains that although she expected more of an outcome on attendance within the community, the event was overall successful.

“I expected a lot more people to show up since we had four different schools participating but the amount of money we raised was so unexpected,” Bien-Aime said. “We raised a little over $4,000.”

When raising the money, all the students hoped for was to provide extra help.

“I think that Fighting the Big C will provide extra help to the Cancer Care Center,” Biene- Aime said. “We’re just trying to raise money. Whatever we are able to do, they will get to decide what they want to use the money towards. In any way that we are able to benefit them is all that we care about.”

Due to the Fighting the Big C event, the Cancer Care Center will be able to use the funds for various items throughout the center. 

“This event raised funds for the center so the patients are able to have nutritious food and drinks, pillows, warm blankets, or equipment to aid them during their stay.” 

Most of the contribution will go towards things that most people may not even realize are needed to help the patients. 

“The contribution will help the Cancer Care Center by funding equipment and food for the patients receiving treatment,” Tafolla said. “What most people don’t realize is that patients receiving chemotherapy or immunotherapy, at times have to be there for four to five hours. Some patients must undergo this process multiple times a week. It’s not something they can simply shrug off. It’s their life and health on the line, so making the environment as welcoming and aiding as possible is certainly a priority.”