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LHS Magpie

LHS Magpie

LHS Magpie

Jasmine Zimmerman

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Culture Director

As a senior at LHS, Jasmine has been on the Magpie staff for around three years. Throughout this time, she has had many roles and learned a lot about communication and professionalism. Currently, Jasmine is the Staff Cultural Director. She plans activities and helps the class have a fun and safe environment. Her favorite writing is under the Features category. Outside of Magpie, Jasmine is the Speech Team captain, the Art Club president, and the president of the 4-H Junior Leaders. She is also a part of many other clubs and organizations. After high school, Jasmine plans on becoming an art teacher and Magpie has helped guide her towards that goal.




All content by Jasmine Zimmerman
Seniors surround the design with their hand prints, marking their last moments at LHS.

Leaving Their Mark at LHS

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
May 23, 2024
Junior Micah Rogers is a three sport athlete. He is a part of the swim and dive team, on the baseball team, and also runs in cross country.

The Strive to Dive

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
April 10, 2024
During a pep rally, princpal Matt Jones encourages each class to cheer as loud as they can to win the spirit stick.

OOTD With Matt Jones

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
March 11, 2024
During a home basketball game, LHS mascot Felix entertains the crowd as they cheer.

Felix the Cat Tradition Continues

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
February 16, 2024
It is important for new staff members to collaborate with old staff members. As the senior members will be leaving this year, the newer members need to be able to fill in their shoes.

Meeting the New Magpie Members

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
January 26, 2024
Announced in January, Jimmy John's and Dunkin' Donuts will be coming to the new Junction in Logansport. Construction now has a new start date.

So Close Logansport Can Almost Taste It

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
November 22, 2023
This bright-eyed kitty’s name is Lucy. She is a Domestic Shorthair cat and has been spayed. She is sweet by nature but shy. Wait for her to warm up to you, and she is the sweetest cat ever. She would be the perfect companion for anyone who has the time to create that special bond with her.

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs in Cass County

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
November 17, 2023
Before purchasing their ticket at the ticket booth, the Magpie staff snapped a picture before they were haunted at the hayride.

Review: Sleepy Hollow Scare

Justin Snay, Business Manager
November 13, 2023
Emily Sanchez and her father were both over the moon about Emily's crowning.

Q&A: Conversing With the Queen

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
October 30, 2023
Many dogs spend years in the same cage, clueless as to what their future may be.

Furry Friends Without Funds

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
October 12, 2023
Art teacher Nicole Ingalls has had a lot of experience with art galleries. In her past, she has put up many different shows in different galleries.

Out With The Old, In With The New

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
September 21, 2023
Sitting at his desk, Sgt. Travis Nolte gives a smile. Having a smile is key to his job at a school to always be approachable.

Saying ‘Hi’ to the New SRO

Jasmine Zimmerman, Staff Cultural Director
August 31, 2023
Mr. Obi shocks his students when he presents his ability to juggle a number of items.

Meet Mr. Obi

Jasmine Zimmerman, Features Editor
March 22, 2023
Senior Hannah Army dedicates quite a lot of her time checking names and photos for the Tattler.

Talkin’ With Tattler

Jasmine Zimmerman, Features Editor
March 21, 2023
LHS Speech Team senior members present their awards from last year's meet.

Speaking with LHS Speech Team

Jasmine Zimmerman, Features Editor
February 14, 2023
Freshmen Reyna Hernadez and Audrey Graham, who are members of S.A.F.E. Club, helped sell carnations earlier this week.

S.A.F.E. Club Carnation Sale

Jasmine Zimmerman, Features Editor
February 8, 2023
Sophomore Eric Howard and junior Madison Lupke express their love for art.

Artists of LHS

Jasmine Zimmerman, Features Editor
February 3, 2023
(Above) Patients can look out the windows in the center and see a mural painted by Teri Partridge.

Being a Light in a Dark Time

Jasmine Zimmerman, Social Media Editor
March 16, 2022
Students listen to a variety of genres of music here at LHS. This can range from soft country to abrasive hip-hop and rap.

What’s LHS Listening To?

Jasmine Zimmerman, Social Media Editor
April 27, 2022
This new restaurant brings a little bit of Japan to Logansport.

Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse Review

Jasmine Zimmerman, Social Media Editor
May 11, 2022
Band Teacher Ned Boyd was awarded a pin to celebrate giving three gallons of blood.

Saving a Life One Drop at a Time

Kylee Langley, Editor-in-Chief
April 6, 2022
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