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LHS Magpie

LHS Magpie

LHS Magpie

Rosalinda Marcos

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor

Being on the Magpie staff has helped me a lot. I cannot begin to describe the immense impact my three years as a staff member have had on me. So many life lessons were learned, countless memories were made, and each year I was able to expand my creativity and learn the true meaning of teamwork. During my free time, I like to watch TV or play with my brothers. Throughout high school, I enjoyed being a part of Magpie. I met more people, made new friends, and experienced many activities. Outside of school, I spend most of my time with my family and best friend or sometimes with my bunnies, like making bunny tunnels and feeding them their favorite food. Something brief about myself, I was in Guatemala for 7 years with my grandmother in a village in Buena Vista, Huehuetenango, and I can say we can all go far if we set our minds to it.

All content by Rosalinda Marcos
Freshman Savannah McMinn is painting part of her African cultural mask green in the fifth period class.

Cultural Art Face Masks

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
April 13, 2022
Mary Max cine  está ubicado 3910 Lexington Rd, Logansport, IN 46947. Recientemente tienen todos  los carteles colocados de los estudiantes de Logansport High School.

Carteles de Mary Max

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
November 9, 2021
Senior Genesis Reyes posando frente a la biblioteca de LHS.

Huellas de Manos en la Pared de LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
September 28, 2021
Mary Max Movie Theater is located 3910 Lexington Road, Logansport, IN 46947.

Mary Max Posters

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
November 9, 2021
Senior Elizabeth Ambrocio speaks the dialect of her native Mexican parents.

Lenguages de LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
September 14, 2021
Water fountains in the halls of the history classes.

The Water Fountains Return

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
March 2, 2022
Senior Elizabeth Ambrocio speaks the dialect of her native Mexican parents.

Languages of LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
September 14, 2021
La senior Yesenia Lorenzo posa con un atuendo de Guatemala frente a la Iglesia Alfa y Omega.

Las Culturas de LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, Reporter
August 31, 2021
Senior Yesenia Lorenzo  poses in an outfit from  Guatemala in front of Alfa y Omega Church.

The Cultures of LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, Reporter
August 31, 2021
Fuentes de aguas en los pasillos de las clases de historia.

El Regreso de las Fuentes de Agua

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
March 2, 2022
Estudiante de tercer año Abraham Velázquez quienes lo han impactado para seguir estudiando.

Héroes De La Actualidad

Rosalinda Marcos, Reporter
February 16, 2022
Staff member Maria Elisa Banuelos and junior Apolonia Martin student pose in the hallway.

Modern Day Heros

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
February 16, 2022
Una nueva colección de libros recién llegados recopilados por la profesora de inglés Tamara Minks.

Books to Check Out in the Library

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
April 27, 2022
LHS students buying Takis.

Helping the Community Via Takis

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
December 14, 2021
Senior Genesis Reyes posing in front of the LHS library.

Handprints on the Walls of LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
September 28, 2021
"The main dish is turkey but we always have desserts too," senior Vung San said.

LHS Thanksgiving Traditions

Rosalinda Marcos, News Section Editor
November 23, 2021
Este televisor está ubicado junto a la enfermería de LHS.

Nuevos Televisores en el Campus de LHS

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
February 1, 2022
Daisy Pablo estudiante de primer año elige hacer la Máscara Mexicana del Día de Muertos y la está pintando de rojo.

Mascaras de Arte Cultural

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
April 13, 2022
LHS Luis Fernando dice que quiere ir al ejército por 25 años.

Estudiantes Reclutados por los Militares

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
March 16, 2022
Another TV is located in the hallway of history classes.

New TVs on LHS Campus

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
February 1, 2022
Una nueva colección de libros recién llegados recopilados por la profesora de inglés Tamara Minks.

Libros para Repasar en la Biblioteca

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
April 27, 2022
(Above) LHS senior Jeffrey Alan is going into the Marine Corps for at least 4 to 8 years.

Students Recruited by the Military

Rosalinda Marcos, Sports Section Editor
March 16, 2022
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